Community Associations Communautaires
The Vars Community Association (VCA) is a not-for-profit incorporated entity to serve and represents the interests of the community. It partners with governments, local organizations and companies to support community programs and its rural social/economic development.
Board Members :
Executive Members are elected every year at the annual general meeting (AGM).
Lindsay Cholette (President)
Chris Nooyen (Vice-President)
Gary Laroque (Treasurer)
Danielle Vendette (Secretary)
Ivan Tanner (Director)
Wayne Redsell (Director)
Serge Potvin (Director)
Corey Cholette (Director)
Patrick Jobin (Webmaster)
The VCA keeps minutes of its meetings which are available for viewing. Minutes prior to 2018 are archived and available on request.
Vars Optimist Club
The Vars Optimist Club is a key partner of the Vars Community Association and together, we work for the well-being of our community. This section will provide information pertaining to the Vars Optimist Club. To join the team of the Vars Optimist Club, please contact; Meetings are held monthly at the St-Guillaume church hall. All are welcome.
Cumberland Township Pionieers
Your community social group (55+) meets 1st Tuesday, every month.
Bearbrook Community Centre, 8720 Russell Rd, Vars, ON
Cards/games start at 10:30: Complete hot catered meal at noon for $18
Entertainment/speaker/bingo etc. after the meal; Membership is S1d for the year
Bruce Strauss, President
Contact Recreation Director Christine Lanthier at 613-835-3397 (cell) or email
Ottawa Library Cumberland Branch
1599 Tenth Line Rd, Orléans
CJRO 107.7 FM
CJRO Radio is abilingual community non-profit FM radio station that promotes local and regional events, provides important information and news to residents and the public in south-east rural Ottawa and the Russell Municipality.
Park & Ride
The Vars Park N Ride near the 417 allows you to park your car and hop on the 222 bus route every day.
Bookmobile / Bibliobus
The Ottawa Public Library has several vehicles that visit rural communities each week called Bookmobiles. Vars is fortunate to have access to this service which allows the residents to borrow library material (such as books), right here in Vars!
Mondays 6-8pm, in front of Saint-Guillaume School
Rentals / Réservations
Alcide Trudeau Park Fieldhouse
For information and rental : 613-580-2595
Bearbrook Community Centre
For information and rental : 613-580-2595
Saint-Guillaume School Gymnasium
For information and rental :
Ottawa Police 9-1-1 or 613-230-6211
Community Police Centres 613-236-1222 ext: 3575
Crime Stoppers 613-233-TIPS
Ottawa Victims Services 613-238-2762
CHEO 613-737-7600
General Hospital 613-722-7000
Montfort Hospital 613-746-4621
Royal Hospital 613-722-6521
Councillor George Darouze:
Stéphane Sarrazin, MPP:
Francis Drouin, MP:
École St-Guillaume:
Cumberland Township Historical Society: